Christianity 101
When I was young, my mother used to wake me up very early to dress up to go to church and attend Sunday school. There, We were being taught how to say our prayers, read the Bible, sing praise songs, and memorize our favorite Bible verses. My favorite verse then was the Gospel which is John 3:16. As I grew a bit older and had more understanding, I accepted Jesus as my personal Lord and Saviour.
There came problems, mistakes, and failures. There had been times where you don't know what to do or where to go. I even reached the point of almost giving up. Good thing I have never lost my faith in God. I knew no matter how hard my trials were, I can be strong and overcome everything. As the verse says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Another amazing thing is that God uses people to help us during times of need. I can say that my family, pastors, Christian friends, and my Sunday school teachers contributed to my strength in facing challenges.
Speaking of people, There is a site where you can safely connnect with your friends, family, youth group, pastor, and new people. At, experience a wonderful support and encouragement through Christian Chat, blogs, and a whole lot more. Inspire people about your faith by sharing your testimonies. Lastly, stay connected with your church friends, prayer partners, family or home group locally or around the world! Surely God wants nothing but the best for you so grab the opportunity now!
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