Global warming and pollution. Those are what's everyone's concerned about these days. The impending destruction of Earth looms over as people do not take necessary precautions in taking good stewardship of what was entrusted by God. Various documentaries and movies were shown to make us aware of what consequences we shall all pay should we not take care of our environment. As so graphic and very fictional it is, The Thaw was the most recent movie I've watched concerning Global warming. Al Gore is even coming here to the Philippines to talk about such thing.
Alternative energy became a popular term and method as people become somehow more aware on how to conserve our resources. Some use renewable energy for household applications such as solar power for electricity and etc. Some would try to convert waste to energy. Some search for alternatives for oil in for transportation. Moreover, people are gearing towards opportunity fuels.
I have found a company whose advocacies are towards a better and cleaner environment. Clean coal, which reduces CO2 emissions by putting it underground is one of their advocacies. N-Viro, a corporation that licenses its technology utilize alternative energy helps the cities and municipalities achieve a sustainable environment. They actually convert dirty waters into a clean ones. What a miracle, isn't it?
Who doesn't want to have a peaceful and sustainable place to live. We only have one planet to live in and we have to take care of it.
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